Courses offered by our faculty

The focus of our cryptography related classes is on implementation aspects of cryptographic algorithms, protocols, and systems. We examine the trade-off between security and efficiency and the close integration of cryptography, computer security and communications. Through projects and labs, students get acquainted with various means of implementing security transformations in both software and hardware. Course homepages of the latest offerings can be found on the ECE Courses webpage. Course descriptions of all course are in the GMU Catalog.

Graduate courses offered by other departments

Each student may take some courses from other departments toward a Masters degree in Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering with advisors approval. The courses listed here offer a variety of security related topics from forensics, to security protocols, intrusion detection, and secure software design.

Information Security and Assurance

Computer Science

Digital Forensics

Information Sciences and Technology

Undergraduate Courses offered by other departments

Additionally, the following courses are available for undergraduate students interested in computer and network security.

Cyber Security Engineering

Information Technology

Computer Science