Theodore K Winograd

3100 Engineering Building George Mason University ECE Department, CERG 4400 University Drive, MS 1G5 Fairfax, VA 22030 |
E-Mail: twinogra'at' PGP Key ID: 7C5974B4 |
Research Interest
Efficienct software implementations of cryptographic algorithms. In particular, is research focuses on efficient software implementations of the General Number Field Sieve.
Advisor: Dr. Kris Gaj
Ted is a part-time student at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of GMU. He is working towards his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering as part of CERG. He received his B.S. degree in Computer Engineering from Virginia Tech in 2004 and his MS in Computer Engineering from GMU in 2012. Ted currently works as an Associate with Booz Allen Hamilton.
- T. Winograd, Number field sieve: Pseudocodes and software implementation, George Mason University, 2011, Master's Thesis [Bibtex]