Shashi Prashanth Karanam

E-Mail: skaranam'at' PGP Key ID: 1A54 E4D1 094D 0640 Curriculum Vitae: Shashi Prashanth Karanam |
Research Interest
Design and analysis of true random number generators for ultra low power cryptographic applications on an FPGA, also concerns the hardware implementations in the areas of computer arithmetic and efficient cryptographic algorithms.
Advisor: Dr. Jens-Peter Kaps
Shashi is a Teaching Assistant in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at GMU. He is working toward his M.S. degree in Computer Engineering as part of CERG. He received his B.S. degree from Kamala Institute of Technolgy and Sciences in Huzurabad, India, in 2006.
- S.P. Karanam, Tiny true random number generator, ECE Department, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA, May, 2009, Master's Thesis [Bibtex]
- B. Zhou, *S.Karanam, *S. Shah, M. Chaney, N. Ton, D. Hwang and K. Gaj. eSTREAM candidates vs. AES: Comparitive study of Hardware performance in Resource-Restricted Environments, poster presentation in 10th annual workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded systems (CHES 2008), Aug 10-13, 2008, Washington DC, USA. (*Presenters)