Duc Tri Nguyen

3100 Engineering Building George Mason University ECE Department, CERG 4400 University Drive, MS 1G5 Fairfax, VA 22030 |
Office: Engineering Building, Room 3231 Phone (lab): 703-993-1609 E-Mail: dnguye69'at'gmu.edu Curriculum Vitae: DucTNguyen.pdf Personal Homepage: cothan.github.io |
Research Interest
- Cybersecurity
- Cryptography
- Computer forensics
- Cryptographic protocols
- Exploiting flows in communication protocols
Advisor: Dr. Kris Gaj
Duc is a Graduate Research Assistant in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at GMU. He started his PhD studies in Computer Engineering as part of CERG in 2017. In 2015, Duc completed his B.Eng in Computer Engineering at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (Bach Khoa University) in Vietnam. In his spare time, he participates in many security competitions. He won several prizes in national and international Capture the Flag (CTF) competitions. His specialization within the team is to implement cryptographic attacks based on the best and most relevant papers located during the competitions.