Ambarish Vyas

3100 Engineering Building George Mason University ECE Department, CERG 4400 University Drive, MS 1G5 Fairfax, VA 22030 |
Office: Engineering Building, Room 3231 Phone (lab): 703-993-1609 E-Mail: avyas2'at' Curriculum Vitae: Ambarish Vyas |
Research Interest
- Hardware Implementation of Cryptographic Algorithms, targeting FPGA's.
- Real Time Embedded Systems.
- Currently working on Implementations of a Generic Padding Circuit for all Round 3 SHA-3 finalists.
Advisor: Dr. Kris Gaj
Ambarish is currently a Teaching Assistant in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at George Mason University. He has received his B.S degree in Electronics and Telecommunication from University of Pune, India in 2009. He started his M.S degree in UMBC in Fall 2009 and transferred to George Mason University in Fall 2010. He is currently working towards his Masters Degree and thesis in Computer Engineering as part of the CERG team.