6. Test Vector Generation
The user must prepare test vectors before running data acquisition. User defined scripts or scripts provided with FOBOS can be used. The data acquisition scripts will send the test vectors one at a time and collect traces from the oscilloscope.
Cryptographic hardware interfaces typically use multiple data streams as input to cryptographic cores. For example, some algorithms might need plaintext/ciphertext, cryptographic keys, and random data. FOBOS uses a simple protocol to transfer test vectors containing these data streams to the DUT. The FOBOS DUT protocol is described in Section 6.1.
FOBOS provides a simple test vector generator called FobosTVGen. It uses a key and generates a configurable number of test vectors with random data. Its usage is described in Section 6.2.
Furthermore, FOBOS can generate test vectors for hardware implementations that comply with the GMU LWC Hardware API [2]. FOBOS uses CryptoTVGen, which is part of the Development Package for Hardware Implementations Compliant with the Hardware API for Lightweight Cryptography [3], to generate test vectors. A FOBOS tools then convert the test vectors generated by CryptoTVGen for use with FOBOS. Additionally, FOBOS has a tool that allows for the generation of test vectors for Test Vector Leakage Analysis (TVLA) of unprotected and protected implementations that comply with the GMU LWC Hardware API. Creating GMU LWC Hardware API compatible testvectors for FOBOS is described in Section 6.3.

Fig. 6.1 Block Diagram of FOBOS Wrapper for the DUT