Flexible Opensource workBench fOr Side-channel analysis (FOBOS)
The Flexible Opensource workBench fOr Side-channel analysis FOBOS is a platform to perform side-channel analysis (SCA). FOBOS uses commercially avilable boards when possible to reduce the cost of building a working SCA setup. Using FOBOS, power traces can be collected and attacks like Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) can be mounted. Also, scripts to perform leakage assesment are included.

Fig. 1 FOBOS 3 Setup with NewAE CW305 DUT
Runs cryptographic implementations on FPGAs and measures power consumption.
Provides a simple wrapper for FPGA implementations of cryptographic algorithms according to the CAESAR and LWC Hardware APIs.
Separate control and DUT boards allowing easy addition of new DUTs.
Uses commercial over-the-shelf boards when possible to reduce cost.
Digilent Basys3 and Digilent Pynq-Z1 control boards.
DUT support includes Digilent Nexys3 board (Xilinx Spartan6) and NewAE CW305 (Xilinx Artix7 boards).
Adjustable DUT clock.
DUT clock synchronized with ADC clock.
Adjustable trigger signal.
Supports fast USB3-based oscilloscopes (Picoscope).
Software to perform Correlation Power Analysis (CPA).
Leakage assessment using t-test.