3. FOBOS Control
FOBOS supports two boards for FOBOS Control:
Digilent Pynq-Z1
TUL Pynq-Z2
The support for the Digilent Basys 3 board has been discontinued as the Pynq boards are not only more powerfull, they also allow faster communication with the SCA workstation.

Fig. 3.5 Pynq-Z1 with FOBOS Shield
The main features are:
Connected via gigabit Ethernet -> much faster communication to the SCA workstation
Supports oscilloscope
- Supports FOBOS Shield which enables:
Standard ChipWhisperer compatible DUT connector
DUT clock aligned measurements using built-in OpenADC
Power consumption measurements for benchmarking
Variable voltage output (0.9V - 3.5V)
Crowbar glitching
Isolated power supply for linear and differential amplifiers