4.1.2. Digilent Nexy3 (Spartan 6 FPGA)


This still needs to be described! The text below is a space holder! Connection to FOBOS Shield control board

The PMOD ports on both boards are used to transfer data. The ports should be connected as follows

  • Basys3 JA -> Nexys3 JC

  • Basys3 JXADC -> Nexys3 JD

The connector must connect each pin to its corresponding pin in the other board. The GND of the two ports must be connected, However, the Vcc SHOULD NOT be connected.

The pin mapping of the Nexys3 DUT is as follows:

#|          |  din3    |  do_ready|  rst     |
#|          |          |          |          |
#|  din0    |  din2    |  din1    |  do_valid|
#|          |          |          |          |

#|  dout1   |  dout3   |  di_ready|  clk     |
#|          |          |          |          |
#|  dout0   |  dout2   |  di_valid|          |
#|          |          |          |          |

The pin mapping in the Basys3 control board is as follows:

#|          |  din3    |  do_ready|  rst |
#|  G2      |  J2      |  L2      |  J1      |
#|  din0    |  din2    |  din1    |  do_valid|
#|  G3      |  H2      |  K2      |  H1      |

#|  dout1   |  dout3   |  di_ready|  dut_clk     |
#|  N2      |  M2      |  L3      |  J3      |
#|  dout0   |  dout2   |  di_valid|          |
#|  N1      |  M1      |  M3      |  K3      |
#+----------+----------+----------+----------+ Board modification

  • To make perfoming SCA attacks easier, all capacitors on the FPGA core voltage rail have been removed.

  • The board is modified to be able to access the FPGA core voltage rail.

  • To measere power, an inductive power porbe may be used (e.g. Tektronix CT-1).